The Hadley Park Tennis Center is located in the heart of North Nashville, within walking distance of Tennessee State University. The facility consists of nine outdoor hard courts, four indoor courts and a practice wall. The Tennis Center offers programs for almost any age and ability level. Clinics, lessons, and league play are all available to the public. To allow for play throughout the year, the indoor courts are housed in a newly renovated tennis bubble. 


Location: Nashville, Tennessee

Contractor: S.M. Lawrence

Engineer: Power Management

Products/Manufacturers: Vertical Outdoor Makeup Air Units/AbsolutAire, ERV/Loren Cook, Condensing Unit/Tempmaster

The existing indoor tennis bubble was demolished, and a replacement was built in its place. This new facility includes newly painted courts, restrooms, and an entrance way. As part of its construction, the design team needed to ensure that sufficient conditioned and ventilation air would be brought into the space, while keeping mechanical system efficiency and energy conservation as a consideration. The outdoor mounted AbsolutAire Vertical Makeup Air Units and Loren Cook Co. ERVs were all used as basis of design to accomplish this goal. Tempmaster Condensing Units were used in conjunction with the AbsolutAire units.

Due to its construction, the new tennis bubble would not allow for roof mounted mechanical equipment and associated ductwork. The AbsolutAire units allowed for a large quantity of outside, return, and supply air to be introduced into the space without using ductwork. The air was conditioned via the use of A-Frame DX cooling coils and direct fired gas heat internal to the AbsolutAire units. The Cook ERVs provided additional space conditioning and ventilation while providing energy savings when the environment allowed for it.

Tom Barrow Company’s Nashville office has worked on previous projects with Power Management and S.M. Lawrence. This positive history allowed for a unified system design and a smooth project outcome.

“Although this project was not without its challenges, once the units were up and running, they now provide a comfortable climate for year-round tennis clinics and private lessons. It was great to be a part of a construction project which improved a highly used sports facility in a rapidly developing neighborhood of Nashville.”- Matt Huff, Outside Sales - TBCo Nashville 

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  • To provide heating, cooling, and ventilation solutions where roof mounted equipment installation was not possible.
  • Ensure that sufficient conditioned and ventilation air would be brought into the space, while keeping mechanical system efficiency and energy conservation as a consideration.


  • The products selected allowed for a large quantity of outside, return, and supply air to be introduced into the space without using ductwork.
  • Outdoor mounted Makeup Air Units and ERVs were all used as basis of design.